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Creative campaigns

Offering a full graphic design service for brand campaigns including creative concepts,
creating photoshoot briefs, art direction and design of all campaign assets from print to digital and social media. We can create an impactful campaign for your launch without the agency cost.


Destination Gold Coast


A digital takeover of website pages including Gourmet Traveller and
Now to Love across all devices.


Website. Branded background to the main content as well as header banners and tiles.

Mobile devices. Promotion also ran across mobile and tablet devices with website banners and editorial mentions of the Gold Coast.

Social. Animated Instagram stories to promote Holiday Deals

Donut King Fries


Donut King


To bring a brand new, innovative product to market and promote it in
a bold, modern way. 


Packaging. A custom logo was designed for the Donut King Fries and produced as a sticker for the custom packaging.

POS. Embracing the Donut King brand colour the counter cards and Till Surround is unmissable and attention grabbing.

Digital. Engaging social media posts
to entice customers to try this product and share with their friends. 


Destination Gold Coast


To inspire and convert holiday bookings to the Gold Coast by targeting Sydney and Melbourne in their coldest months.


Animated digital billboards. 

A digital super screen that hung between multiple floors of a busy shopping centre and at high traffic areas such as train stations.

EDMS. Targeted edms with our partner Jetstar, to offer discount flights to the Gold Coast from Australia's coldest cities to entice bookings.

Digital. Campaign promotion across website banners and social media.

Brumby's Kit Kat


Brumby's Bakery


To promote the limited time only
hot cross buns by leveraging
off the Kit Kat brand with this
product collaboration.  


Packaging design. Creative conception of a Kit Kat branded box to provoke excitement and nostalgia.

POS. Counter cards displayed in store to promote the variety of flavours and sizes available in store. 

Merchandise. Staff Uniforms to promote the brand collaboration and inspire purchase.

Socials. Facebook and Instagram posts that engage nostalgia for our youth and inspire families to create long lasting memories as Easter time.


Donut King


For this first-ever partnership of an energy drink and a donut the concept was to bring to life the V-Drink brand in true Donut King style. Bold, refreshing and a little bit tongue in cheek.


Packaging design. The donut sleeve was custom designed to incorporate 
the shape of the V logo and hold the donut ergonomically.

POS. Counter cards and custom shaped Till surrounds promote the donut and drink deal to customers in a high impact display. 

Socials. Facebook and Instagram posts with tongue in cheek sayings promoted the V Donut across Donut King and
V-Energy Drink social channels with high engagement.


Brumby's Bakery


Christmas is a time for family gatherings and indulgence in an Australian outdoor setting where we love to entertain.


Photoshoot. Art direction of full day lifestyle shoot directing talent,
stylist and photographer.

POS. Traditional and yet modern Christmas counter cards to promote the range of products available.

Digital. Animated gifs for social media to engage the audience to start getting excited about Christmas.

Michels Patisserie Chillers campaign animated email banner
Michels Patisserie Chillers campaign competition collateral


Michel's Patisserie


To promote a new range of Chiller drinks with a summer social media promotion 


Packaging. Design of a custom drinks carrier to promoting the competition.

Competition. Competition promotion across various mediums including POS and digital.

Social. Animated gifs for social media to promote the competition and Chillers.


Brumby's Bakery


A back to school campaign centred around healthy lunch box snacks for kids including a promotion for a free thermal lunch bag with product purchase. 


POS. Design of counter cards and Till surrounds promoting healthier lunch box snacks and the lunch bag promotion.

Digital screen. Animated digital screens to promote the free lunch bag with product purchase.

Flyer. Printed collateral promoting healthier lunch box recipes using Brumby's products.

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